Danse ta nature

Danse ta nature, listening to/your nature and its ruthms, through meditative, playful dances to explore and occupy the surrouding space. A discovery worshop of the most unexpected and revitalizing movements in nature. WHEN: October, 1st & 2nd, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. to noon FREE activity! WHERE: Sainte-Béatrix entrance INFORMATION & REGISTRATION: 438 821-4410 (Marie-Josée Vaillancourt) DETAILS: www.journeesdelaculture.qc.ca/activites/danse-ta-nature-activite-decouverte


If you like to “tickle the fish” or even “tease the gudgeon”, the park offers several fishing spots on the L’Assomption River where northern pike, speckled trout and smallmouth bass come together. NOTE: Mandatory fishing license to have before entering the park. No sale of permits on site. Children do not need a fishing license but must be accompanied by an adult. GOING INTO THE WATER FOR FISHING IS PROHIBITED.


EN EAUX VIVES is an art installation that includes architectural structure and a literay sound recording. A creative collaboration between Caroline Fortin, author from Lanaudière and Nicolas Chaudier, architect. This project is inspired by the Monte-à-Peine-et-des-Dalles falls as well as the poems of 19th century poet Louise-Amélie Panet. It is located at Sainte-Mélanie gate, 60, avenue de la Champs Vallon, Sainte-Mélanie, J0K 3A

Hiking and tasting of wild and edible plants

An essential activity that has surprises in store! Discover more than 12 species of flowersor edible plants during a hike, led by Paul Blais, trainer and gatherer, and a flora expert. Several dates in 2022: June 18, July 16 and September 10, 2022.

Night sky observation

On a night hike with a full moon, you will observe the basic constellations and stellar objects observable with the naked eye and binoculars, and much more! Fabien, a passionate amateur astronomer, will be your guide for this activity. Several dates in 2022: June 11, June 25, July 9, August 13 August 27, September 10, September 24, 2022.

Observation of perseides

Observation of Perseids will take place in the parking lot at the entrance of Saint-Jean-de-Math, near the gatehouse during the night thanks to the expertise of our amateur astronomer, Fabien. Presentation at the beginning of the evening, then sporadic animation according to the questions of the participants. Only one date for this activity: Friday, August 12, 2022.

Introduction to night sky photography

You would like to learn about photography? This activity is for you! During new moon nights, between walks and photography, you will familiarize yourself with  basics of photography from Fabien, a passionate guide. Only one date during summer 2022: Saturday, July 30 (new Moon July 28).
For more information and costs about these activities, contact us at 450 883-6060.


Mise à jour conditions des pistes de Fat bike


Alerte Sentiers Fat Bike

Veuillez noter que les sentiers;

 Zig Zag -5A 

Lajeunesse -5B

ne sont pas en bonnes conditions actuellement. Des usagers ayant emprunté ces sentiers à pied en bottes ont abîmé la couverture de neige, ce qui a causé des trous et un durcissement du sol.

En revanche, en fin de semaine: 8 et 9 mars, les sentiers;

5- De la Coulée,

12- De la Pinède,

16- D’Ailleboust 

17- Manon Ritchie

seront en excellente condition et offriront une belle expérience de Fat Bike.

Merci de votre compréhension et bon parcours !



We also remind you that, for your safety and for the safety of others as well as the conservation of our park, swimming, alcohol, drugs, fires outside the places provided for this purpose as well as glass containers are strictly prohibited. Thank you for your understanding.