The Park is now open 365 days a year !

Park is acccessible from dawn to dusk. Please pay entrance fees at the parking meters.


Cash payment, Interac or credit card accepted
Taxes and parking are included in our prices and are subject to change without notice.

* Free entrance for residents of Sainte-Béatrix, Sainte-Mélanie and Saint-Jean-de-Matha, with proof of residence with photo. Residents may bring their dog(s), but will have to pay a $5 per dog.

Cartes de membre

2023-05-09 - 2026-01-01

Carte individuelle
Available Tickets: Unlimited

Pour 1 personne, valide 1 an.

The "Carte individuelle" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Carte familiale
Available Tickets: Unlimited

Familles : (2 adultes, enfants de 15 ans et moins +1 chien attaché) valide 1 an.

The "Carte familiale" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.


Mise à jour conditions des pistes de Fat bike


Alerte Sentiers Fat Bike

Veuillez noter que les sentiers;

 Zig Zag -5A 

Lajeunesse -5B

ne sont pas en bonnes conditions actuellement. Des usagers ayant emprunté ces sentiers à pied en bottes ont abîmé la couverture de neige, ce qui a causé des trous et un durcissement du sol.

En revanche, en fin de semaine: 8 et 9 mars, les sentiers;

5- De la Coulée,

12- De la Pinède,

16- D’Ailleboust 

17- Manon Ritchie

seront en excellente condition et offriront une belle expérience de Fat Bike.

Merci de votre compréhension et bon parcours !



We also remind you that, for your safety and for the safety of others as well as the conservation of our park, swimming, alcohol, drugs, fires outside the places provided for this purpose as well as glass containers are strictly prohibited. Thank you for your understanding.